New Grants Awarded to Protect Lands and Birds

2017-06-09T15:13:22+00:00June 9th, 2017|Habitat Conservation, Human Dimensions|

The Land Trust Bird Conservation Initiative has awarded its first grants to support bird conservation among the land trust community. The four organizations receiving funds plan to protect critical habitats, such as oak forests in Oregon and estuaries in Maine, as well as help declining bird species, such as Golden-winged Warblers in Vermont and Lewis’s [...]

Story Map Illustrates Accomplishments of Migratory Bird JVs

2017-02-12T16:30:21+00:00February 10th, 2017|Habitat Conservation, News|

Joint Ventures work together to build a healthy world for birds, other wildlife, and people. As we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of this model for international collaboration in 2017, Joint Ventures look ahead to the next thirty years and beyond of building strong, effective partnerships for bird and habitat conservation. Access a new Story Map [...]

Washington Partners Collaborating to Conserve Forest and Shoreline

2016-12-07T21:38:02+00:00December 2nd, 2016|Collaboration, Habitat Conservation|

Strong Partnerships at Work in Washington More than a decade of efforts on the Kitsap Peninsula in Washington have been recently paying off. In 2014, Forterra, as part of the Kitsap Forest and Bay Project, helped facilitate the purchase of 535 acres of lowland forest, including 1.5 miles of shoreline of very high conservation value. The [...]

Wetland Restoration IS Working!

2017-02-12T01:08:59+00:00November 29th, 2016|Education and Outreach, Habitat Conservation|

Our video shorts strive to show viewers, in 1 minute or less, where and how Wetland Restoration IS working throughout the Bay Area, thanks to the efforts of our San Francisco Bay Joint Venture partners. See the difference it has made in San Francisco's Bayview/Hunters Point neighborhood. Here an abandoned pier development became the thriving ecosystem [...]

Joint Ventures Embrace Migratory Bird Treaty Centennial

2017-02-12T01:08:59+00:00September 12th, 2016|Bird Conservation, Collaboration, Education and Outreach, Habitat Conservation, News|

It’s a big year for birds! 2016 marks the Centennial anniversary of the signing of the Convention for the Protection of Migratory Birds between the United States and Great Britain (on behalf of Canada). Known in the U.S. as the Migratory Bird Treaty, this landmark agreement laid the foundation for a century of cooperative and [...]

Region-wide Monitoring Program Informs Habitat Conservation

2017-02-12T01:08:59+00:00May 23rd, 2016|Bird Conservation, Collaboration, Habitat Conservation, News|

This year, Playa Lakes Joint Venture (PLJV) joined a region-wide bird monitoring effort. The program, called Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR), is a large partnership-driven program that uses state-of-the-art approaches for the entire process, from the sampling design to how it reports results. The implementation of this program within the Joint Venture region [...]

Protecting and Managing Habitat in the Highlands of Roan

2017-02-12T01:08:59+00:00April 25th, 2016|Habitat Conservation|

In 2015, the Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy (SAHC) permanently protected, through purchase, 198 acres in Mitchell and Avery County, North Carolina, a part of our Highlands of Roan program. These two tracts will provide habitat for many priority forest birds including Wood Thrush, Canada Warbler, and Saw-whet Owl. They will also provide more than 30 [...]

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