About Jennie Duberstein

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So far Jennie Duberstein has created 86 blog entries.

Conservation Partnerships Craft Community-based, Landscape-Scale Success

2017-02-12T01:09:01+00:00February 28th, 2014|Bird Conservation, Habitat Conservation, Species Recovery|

In pre-settlement days, Greater Sage-Grouse numbered in the millions across the American West. Their populations have since plummeted to about 200,000. Fortunately, much of this bird’s ideal habitat is found on private ranchlands and what’s good for rangelands is often good for grouse. Ranchers and wildlife conservationists are sharing a vision for conserving sagebrush habitats [...]


2017-02-12T01:09:01+00:00March 25th, 2012|2012 Awards|

ConocoPhillips has been a champion of migratory bird conservation through its involvement with Joint Ventures by donating critical non-federal funding, serving on Management Boards, and setting an exemplary standard to the rest of corporate America.

Gary Myers

2017-02-12T01:09:01+00:00March 21st, 2012|2012 Awards|

After the North American Waterfowl Management Plan was signed in 1986 and called for the establishment of Joint Ventures to implement waterfowl habitat conservation, Gary Myers set the standard for what a JV would look like and how they would function.

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