Joint Ventures In Action
Birds & Habitats
Keep Common Species Common
Joint Venture partners work to keep common species common and address the needs of species of conservation concern due to small distributions, high threats, or declining populations.
Local, Regional, and National
Partnerships are the backbone to the Joint Ventures. JVs cultivate and support partnerships that protect and restore habitat for the benefit of birds, other wildlife, and people.
Strategic Habitat Conservation
Joint Ventures consider the biological and ecological aspects of birds and habitat, as well as the social science that is the foundation for the human dimensions of conservation.
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There are many ways to get involved with the Migratory Bird Joint Ventures. Click on the Joint Venture map to learn more about what’s going on in your area.
In the Spotlight!
Migratory Bird Joint Ventures Story Map
Joint Ventures work together to build a healthy world for birds, other wildlife, and people. As we celebrate the 30th Anniversary of this model for international collaboration in 2017, Joint Ventures look ahead to the next thirty years and beyond of building strong, effective partnerships for bird and habitat conservation. View Map »
Recent News
Partners Manage Woody Encroachment on Public Lands
In southeast New Mexico, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is working to preserve grassland habitat and improve [...]
Long-term Bird Data Collection Yields Insights for the Future
The Sonoran Joint Venture has been supporting long-term ecological monitoring for decades. This spring we partnered with the [...]
Building Capacity for a Growing Motus Network
While “Motus” may seem like the latest bird conservation buzzword, the Motus Wildlife Tracking System (Motus) is a [...]