In 2007 the Sonoran Joint Venture and Pronatura Noroeste received funds from the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act and the U.S. Forest Service International Program to develop a program and train residents of communities in or near important conservation sites to be bird guides. The idea was to provide incentives for conservation as well as a way for residents of these areas to supplement their incomes. The project focused on three priority spots in the SJV Region: the Colorado River delta, Álamos, and San José del Cabo, with the overall goal of supporting bird and habitat conservation in these three important areas.

Over the course of two years, Pronatura Noroeste and the Sonoran Joint Venture trained guides in bird identification, bird guiding, natural and cultural history interpretation, and English. Trainees also participated in activities designed to develop their professional skills as a bird guide and volunteered on habitat restoration, bird monitoring, and environmental education efforts in their communities.

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